Tag: dry eyes

Person with a red eye.
February 14, 2023/Eye Care

Seeing Red: 6 Possible Reasons for Red Eyes

How to tell the difference between harmless redness and issues that demand attention

Toddler caught mid blink while laughing.
December 12, 2022/Children's Health

Why Is My Toddler Blinking a Lot?

From allergies to anxiety, excessive blinking usually isn’t a concern

closeup of woman crying
February 20, 2022/Eye Care

Why Do We Cry? The Truth Behind Your Tears

Fascinating facts about what tears do for your eyes and more

woman swabbing eye
December 12, 2021/Eye Care

What To Know About Mucus Fishing Syndrome

Mucus fishing is the latest trend on TikTok and Instagram. But here’s why you shouldn’t do it


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closeup of an eye
December 14, 2020/Eye Care

15 Fascinating Facts About Your Eyes

Focus on these surprising stats

child in process of virtual learning session
December 2, 2020/Eye Care

How to Avoid Eye Strain During Virtual Learning

Find out exactly why too much screen time can lead to eye problems

Eye on fire and watery Illustration
June 30, 2019/Eye Care

Why Do My Eyes Burn and Water Suddenly for No Apparent Reason?

Allergies aren't always the cause

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