Tag: vision

Person vacuuming around living room
April 17, 2024/Eye Care

5 Tips for Coping With Geographic Atrophy

Preserving your social life and protecting your mental health are key to living well with vision loss

Person holding up sunglasses
April 16, 2024/Eye Care

9 Tips for Living Well With Geographic Atrophy

Start low-vision rehabilitation as soon as possible and see your retina specialist at least every six months

Colorblind glasses showing houses on shoreline in color
April 11, 2024/Eye Care

What We Know About Color Blind Glasses

These trendy glasses might brighten some shades and help you see the difference between colors or brightness of hues, but they won’t cure your color vision deficiency

Eye doctor holding glasses and a prescription
March 20, 2024/Eye Care

Got a New Eye Prescription? Here’s What It Means

Your eye prescription reveals a lot about your eye health, including how they’re shaped, how well you see and what your new glasses can do for your sight


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Female patient in eye examination room with doctor
February 5, 2024/Eye Care

LASIK vs. SMILE: Which Is Right for You?

Both procedures are about equally effective, but which is better depends on your vision needs and current conditions

broccoli, red peppers, and other bright vegetables
October 5, 2023/Eye Care

What To Eat (and Avoid) When You Have Macular Degeneration

Eating a balanced diet can help protect your eyes and may prevent AMD from progressing

person taking vitamins at breakfast table
October 4, 2023/Nutrition

Can Vitamins Help Slow Macular Degeneration?

They may help, but it depends on factors like the stage of your disease

Elder person driving car with trepidation in his gaze.
September 26, 2023/Eye Care

How Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration Can Make Driving More Difficult

A loss of central vision might complicate things behind the wheel

Closeup of an elder person's eye and a glucometer reading 7.5 placed on top of their face.
September 26, 2023/Eye Care

Diabetes-Related Macular Edema: Answers to Your Most Common Questions

Yes, treatments are available — and the earlier you’re diagnosed and treated, the better 

Closeup of eye with a dry cracked background and a wavy watery background behind it.
September 25, 2023/Eye Care

Wet vs. Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration: What To Know

Wet age-related macular degeneration is rarer and always advanced

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