Navigating Acute Myeloid Leukemia

two doctors in lab coats having conversation in front of giant microscope

Is Leukemia Hereditary?

This cancer of the blood is rarely passed down, but genetics can help determine risk


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Illustration of Leukemia cells vs Lymphomia cancer cells
Are Leukemia and Lymphoma the Same Thing?

Although related like cousins, they’re two different cancers

A patient with cancer is applying skin cream.
How to Manage Side Effects of AML Treatment

AML chemotherapy side effects can be challenging. Here’s how to keep them in check

A person fills a bowl with arugula next to a cutting board with ginger, an apple, cilantro, avocado and a kiwi.
AML Management: Feel Better With Food and Physical Activity

Diet and exercise choices to manage acute myeloid leukemia symptoms

