Tag: skin condition

Person examining psoriasis on their arm and hands
April 17, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Does Psoriasis Spread on Your Body?

The common skin condition isn’t contagious, but it can pop up anywhere on your body during a flare

One hand squirting lotion from a tube into other hand
April 13, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Why Does Psoriasis Itch and How To Stop It

Caused by inflammation, psoriasis itch can be managed with a variety of treatments, like moisturizing and taking cooler and shorter showers

Petroleum jelly being applied to a hand
April 10, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

14 Psoriasis Self-Care Strategies

Learn your triggers, stay moisturized, quit smoking, prioritize sleep — and avoid scratching

Person with alopecia areata
March 22, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Self-Care Tips To Manage Alopecia Areata

A gentle hair care routine, stress reduction and sun protection can help reduce flares and maintain your locks


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Close up of face with rosacea on cheeks
March 21, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

6 Natural Ways To Find Relief From Rosacea

You can turn down the redness and soothe the irritation with natural remedies like green tea, raw honey and aloe vera

Applying aloe vera to irritated skin
February 27, 2024/Primary Care

Do Home Remedies for Ringworm Actually Work?

Some natural home remedies may offer relief, but they lack scientific evidence and won’t typically cure the condition

jar of coconut oil-based cream next to a cut open coconut on a bath towel
February 9, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Stop the Itch: Home Remedies To Help Manage Eczema

Colloidal oatmeal, petroleum jelly and other around-the-home products can help provide needed relief

stress factors floating around person with eczema on arms
February 8, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Eczema and Stress: What’s the Connection?

Your body’s natural response to stress can lead to painful skin irritation

person scratching at their itchy skin on their chest
January 2, 2024/Cancer Care & Prevention

Is Itchy Skin a Sign of Cancer?

Anything from minor irritations and chronic diseases to, yes, cancer can cause persistent itching

person applying ointment to eczema on arm
December 13, 2023/Skin Care & Beauty

When Home Remedies Won’t Do: Treatment Options for Severe Eczema

Steroids, self-injections and medications can be game changers

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