Tag: toothbrush

Smiling baby showing off her first teeth.
April 9, 2023/Oral Health

Children’s Dental Health: How To Care for Your Kid’s Teeth

Once you see that first tooth, it’s time to start brushing

Electric toothbrush next to a tooth.
February 13, 2023/Oral Health

Here’s Why You Should Be Using an Electric Toothbrush

Studies show they do a better job than manual brushes at removing plaque and debris

A person in a bathrobe running water over their toothbrush in a sink
June 23, 2022/Oral Health

How To Clean Your Toothbrush

It’s simpler than you might think

Person removes dental floss from container while standing over a bathroom sink
March 29, 2022/Oral Health

Why Your Gums Bleed When Flossing

The most common cause is a buildup of plaque, bacteria and tartar


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Toothbrush after sickness

Should You Throw Away Your Toothbrush After Being Sick?

The Short Answer from a registered dental hygienist

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