Tag: dessert

Bread pudding with raspberries in a small glass container with a cinnamon stick
December 6, 2020/Recipes

Recipe: White Chocolate-Peppermint Rice Pudding

A quick-to-prepare comfort food dessert

chocolate walnut biscotti with tea
October 13, 2020/Recipes

Recipe: Low-Cal Chocolate-Walnut Biscotti

A light cookie with a chocolate crunch

An image of cherry brownies.
October 5, 2020/Recipes

Deliciously Decadent Desserts That You Can Truly Savor

5 indulgent treats that won’t ruin your waistline

chocolate espresso tofu mousse
August 9, 2020/Recipes

Recipe: Chocolate Espresso Tofu Mousse

Creamy, smooth and dreamy


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slice of pumpkin pie on a plate with a fork
June 7, 2020/Recipes

Recipe: Low-Fat Pumpkin Pie With a Crunchy Crust

Flavored with ground almonds, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla

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