Tag: eye health

Person vacuuming around living room
April 17, 2024/Eye Care

5 Tips for Coping With Geographic Atrophy

Preserving your social life and protecting your mental health are key to living well with vision loss

Person holding up sunglasses
April 16, 2024/Eye Care

9 Tips for Living Well With Geographic Atrophy

Start low-vision rehabilitation as soon as possible and see your retina specialist at least every six months

Newborn baby with crossing eyes
April 10, 2024/Children's Health

Why Are My Newborn’s Eyes Crossing?

Crossed eyes in a newborn are fairly common, typically harmless and usually go away

Person with pink eye
March 22, 2024/Eye Care

Here’s How To Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast

Eye drops and cold water rinses can help speed up healing for viral and allergen-related conjunctivitis, but a bacterial infection will need antibiotics


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Eye doctor holding glasses and a prescription
March 20, 2024/Eye Care

Got a New Eye Prescription? Here’s What It Means

Your eye prescription reveals a lot about your eye health, including how they’re shaped, how well you see and what your new glasses can do for your sight

person holding wearing glasses, holding cell phone and rubbing their eye
March 18, 2024/Eye Care

The Dangers of Rubbing Itchy Eyes

From scratching your cornea and tearing your retina to introducing allergens and causing infections, pawing at your peepers just doesn’t pay off

solar eclipse
March 7, 2024/Eye Care

The Total Solar Eclipse Is Coming — Here’s How To View It Safely

It’s critical to have the proper eyewear if you plan to look up at the sun, especially during the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024

woman sleeping with eye open
February 6, 2024/Eye Care

Why Do Some People Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

Nocturnal lagophthalmos may be caused by damaged nerves or muscles in your face

Castor bean pods, castor beans and a vial of castor oil
December 7, 2023/Primary Care

No, Castor Oil Won’t Solve All (or Any) of Your Health Problems

The oil some TikTokkers swear by can actually cause stomach and eye issues, as well as skin rashes

Person helps older family member with taking thier blood pressure.
October 26, 2023/Eye Care

How To Support Someone With Diabetes-Related Macular Edema

Taking care of yourself helps you take care of your loved one

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