Tag: heart rhythm

seated doctor and female in doctor office, with female's hand on heart, with daughter
February 8, 2024/Heart Health

Here’s When You Should Go to the Hospital for a Dangerous Heart Rate

A resting heart rate below 35–40 beats per minute or over 100 beats per minute may be cause for concern

Older male in doctor's office with doctor holding tablet showing heart statistics
January 31, 2024/Heart Health

Extra Heartbeats: Should You Be Worried?

They’re rarely cause for concern, but you should still talk to a healthcare provider about your symptoms

Physician checks the heartbeat of patient.
October 9, 2023/Heart Health

When Your Heart Skips a Beat: What’s Happening and Should You Worry?

A skipped heartbeat is usually your heart returning to its normal electrical path


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pacemaker held between two fingers
December 23, 2020/Heart Health

Pacemakers and Defibrillators Save Lives In Different Ways

Pacemakers steady heartbeat, ICDs reset the heart

Smart watch displaying heart rate monitoring capabilities
October 13, 2019/Heart Health

What It Means If You Have Low Blood Pressure But a High Heart Rate

This combo could signal a heart rhythm problem

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