Tag: teeth grinding

person holding jaw
June 12, 2023/Oral Health

TMJ Disorders: How To Find Relief for Your Aching Jaw

From posture to massage, these 9 at-home remedies may help ease your jaw pain

Person in dentist chair with tooth pain, clutching cheek
November 27, 2022/Oral Health

What’s Causing Your Toothache?

Cavities, grinding or even a sinus infection could be behind your tooth pain

man's cheek hurts
January 24, 2022/Oral Health

9 Reasons Why Your Cheeks Might Hurt

If you have discomfort and pain in your face, it could mean something serious is going on


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Your Jaw May Be to Blame for Your Migraine Headaches
June 14, 2015/Chronic Pain

Your Jaw May Be to Blame for Your Migraine Headaches

TMJ pain can cause headaches but chiropractic treatments and medication can alleviate any discomfort

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