Your choice depends on your reason and need for treatment
Staying active and documenting symptoms can help you, and your care team, stay on top of this chronic condition
Drinking alcohol can cause nerve pain, dehydration and weight gain, which can all lead to back pain
Your sleep position, immobility, mattress and underlying conditions can all cause morning back pain
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Tendinopathy tends to get better with rest, ice, pain management and physical therapy
Always seek medical advice for pain — but exercise, stretching, guided imagery and deep breathing may help in the meantime
Exercising can actually improve arthritis symptoms — and low-impact exercises are best
If you have naturally red hair, feeling the pain may be in your DNA
It’s always a good idea to let a healthcare provider know about any back pain you’re experiencing, especially if it results from trauma or persists longer than three months
From physical and biofeedback therapy to nerve ablations and blocks, there are many nonsurgical options for managing back pain