Tag: baby formula

Close up of hand holding a scoop of powder baby formula over container of powder baby formula
February 23, 2024/Children's Health

Feeding Your Baby: How and When to Supplement With Formula

When breastfeeding doesn’t go as planned, you may need to supplement with formula or donor breast milk — and that’s OK

Toddler drinking from a cup while at the table during dinner.
November 20, 2023/Children's Health

Toddler Drinks — What Does the Research Say About These Products?

They aren’t unhealthy, but they’re probably a waste of money

Parent holding newborn while feeding them formula.
September 11, 2023/Children's Health

Babies Shouldn’t Drink Water — Here’s Why

Tiny kidneys and tiny tummies don’t mix well with water

mother breast feeding baby on sofa
July 27, 2023/Children's Health

A Step-By-Step Guide To Hand-Expressing Breast Milk

Hand-expression can be used in a variety of scenarios


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Parent feeds sleepy baby a bottle, while holding them in thier arms.
November 15, 2022/Children's Health

What’s the Right Baby Formula for My Newborn?

Most babies can start with formula made from cow’s milk or soy

mother bottle feeding her baby milk
July 14, 2022/Children's Health

Despite the Hype, You Shouldn’t Give Your Baby Goat Milk

While goat milk is good for goat kids, it's not safe for your kids

relactation techniques baby breastfeeding

How To Reintroduce Lactation After Stopping Breastfeeding

Relactation can reproduce breast milk after two to four weeks

Baby formula being scooped out of a container
May 30, 2022/Children's Health

What Should You Do About the Baby Formula Shortage?

You should never make your own infant formula, and here’s why

A person sits at a table with food and feeds their baby with a spoon
September 20, 2021/Nutrition

How to Tell if Your Baby is Ready to Stop Drinking Formula

And how to wean them off formula when it’s time

person holds small baby to their chest
June 15, 2021/Children's Health

What Are Your Formula Options for a Gassy Baby?

A different formula may help babies with gas or other digestive problems — find out which one may be best for your baby.

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