Tag: deviated septum

person blowing nose on sofa
October 5, 2023/Primary Care

Why Do I Sometimes Get Congested in One Nostril?

It’s usually the way your nose manages airflow, but sometimes, it could be other issues

Child snoring during his nap while sleeping on his front.
February 7, 2023/Children's Health

Does Your Child Snore? These Could Be the Reasons Why

Six possible reasons (and solutions) for that nighttime noise

couple in bed woman snoring
August 14, 2022/Sleep

How To Stop Snoring

Try these home remedies, like nasal sprays and propping your head, for a peaceful slumber

Breathing easily through the nose
November 6, 2019/Primary Care

Is Your Nose Working Against You? 5 Signs of a Deviated Septum

Many people don't know they have the problem


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