Tag: gas

person covering face in bed in embarrassment
October 1, 2023/Sex & Relationships

Untimely Toots: Why You Fart During Sex

It’s perfectly normal for gas pockets to ‘evacuate’ during the motions of sex

person clutching chest
July 2, 2023/Digestive

Can Gas Cause Chest Pain?

When it can’t pass down south, gas can definitely travel — and get trapped — up north

Mom burps gassy baby who sits on her lap.
May 21, 2023/Children's Health

Why Gripe Water Isn’t the Best Answer for Your Fussy, Gassy or Colicky Baby

Gripe water isn’t regulated by the FDA, and research doesn’t support its use

Stomach having gas.
October 13, 2022/Digestive

Why Do I Keep Farting?

Excessive flatulence could indicate a digestive issue


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person holds small baby to their chest
June 15, 2021/Children's Health

What Are Your Formula Options for a Gassy Baby?

A different formula may help babies with gas or other digestive problems — find out which one may be best for your baby.

Activated Charcoal
March 7, 2018/Digestive

Is It Safe to Take Charcoal Pills for Gas and Bloating?

The Short Answer from an emergency medicine physician

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