Tag: vaccination

Shingles present on a shoulder of a light skinned person.
November 5, 2023/Infectious Disease

No, You Can’t Get Shingles if You’ve Never Had Chickenpox

But if you haven’t been vaccinated, you could get chickenpox from somebody with shingles

Elderly person receives vaccine in arm from health professional.
September 12, 2023/Infectious Disease

Is There a Vaccine for RSV? Here’s Who’s Eligible

Adults 60 or older, pregnant people and babies can get protected against the respiratory virus

Small child receiving vaccine at doctor's office
November 10, 2022/Children's Health

Well-Check Schedule for Children

These visits include getting important vaccines and checking on developmental milestones

child getting vaccination
June 20, 2022/Children's Health

What Vaccines Are Required for School?

The list includes shots for 16 potentially harmful diseases


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woman getting vaccine in arm at doctor's office

Why Vaccine Shots Can Hurt and How To Prevent It

Pain after a vaccine is normal — but here's how you can avoid it

Close-up of woman wearing a surgical mask
December 27, 2021/Infectious Disease

Why You Still Need to Take COVID-19 Seriously

Cases of infections are skyrocketing across the U.S.

Someone smiles while they read something on their tablet.
August 25, 2021/Infectious Disease

Things To Keep In Mind About the COVID Vaccination Process

And why you shouldn't be so quick to post your COVID-19 vaccine card on social media

Nurse givng a covid vaccine to patient
August 10, 2021/Infectious Disease

What Happens When You Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

It's not scary and it's another tool that can help us fight the coronavirus

An illustration of a person getting a vaccine from a healthcare provider
August 4, 2021/Infectious Disease

Can Vaccinated People Transmit COVID-19 to Others?

Get the answer from an infectious disease specialist

Person looking wistfully out a window with one hand raised above head resting on sill
February 28, 2021/Infectious Disease

Do You Have to Quarantine After Being Vaccinated for COVID-19?

Get the short answer from an infectious disease specialist

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