Tag: baby

Newborn baby with crossing eyes
April 10, 2024/Children's Health

Why Are My Newborn’s Eyes Crossing?

Crossed eyes in a newborn are fairly common, typically harmless and usually go away

pregnant female feeling her breasts
February 5, 2024/Pregnancy & Childbirth

When Does Milk Supply Regulate When You’re Breastfeeding?

Typically, milk comes in a few days after birth and regulates around four weeks after delivery

Adult hand uses a dropper to deliver a liquid to newborn by mouth
January 18, 2024/Children's Health

Do Infants Need Vitamin D Drops?

A daily dose of vitamin D can help babies build strong bones, as well as boost their brain development

Baby receiving vaccination from healthcare provider.
August 22, 2023/Children's Health

Is There a Vaccine for RSV in Children?

Babies should get the RSV immunization before their first cold and flu season


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Parents gaze lovingly on their newborn laying on the changing table.
August 17, 2023/Children's Health

Oh, Baby! Understanding Your Newborn’s Appearance and Behavior

From baby acne and body hair to rooting reflexes and sleeping patterns, it’s all normal

Baby pinches cereal pieces to eat while sitting in stroller.
May 22, 2023/Children's Health

Finger to Thumb: What To Know About the Pincer Grasp

This fine motor skill marks an important milestone in your baby’s development

Mom burps gassy baby who sits on her lap.
May 21, 2023/Children's Health

Why Gripe Water Isn’t the Best Answer for Your Fussy, Gassy or Colicky Baby

Gripe water isn’t regulated by the FDA, and research doesn’t support its use

Teething baby crying
April 30, 2023/Children's Health

Teething Doesn’t Cause Fevers — and Other Myths To Sink Your Teeth Into

Drooling, chewing and mild fussing are the most common baby teething symptoms

Closeup of a baby chewing on a teething toy.
April 25, 2023/Children's Health

Teething Remedies for Your Baby’s Aching Mouth

Stick to clean, cold compresses, and avoid topical ointments

man feeding a baby in a high chair
March 21, 2023/Children's Health

Baby Fell Off the Bed and Hit Their Head? Here’s What To Look For

First, take a deep breath — it happens more than you might think

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