Tag: flu season

Person sick in bed with flu, tea and tissues by bedside

Got Flu? Here’s How Long You’ll Be Contagious

You can spread the flu to others a day before you feel sick and for several days after

concerned wife takes husbands temperature flu season heart
July 24, 2022/Heart Health

Can the Flu Trigger a Heart Attack?

Inflammation caused by the influenza virus can lead to deadly heart complications

Two white and blue pills on a wooden surface

Tamiflu: Is It Best To Help You Fight the Flu?

The antiviral medication can help curb symptoms and shorten recovery time

Sick before flu shot

Is Getting a Flu Shot While Sick Risky?

Here's when you should — and shouldn't — postpone your annual flu shot


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Person blowing their nose

Why Does Everyone Seem to Have a Cold Right Now?

If it feels like everybody’s got the sniffles, here’s what’s going on

woman sick during isolation

Why Am I Still Getting Sick In Isolation?

Colds and the flu are still lurking this winter

woman blowing her nose

What the Color of Your Snot Really Means

Here's when to worry about your nasal mucus changing hues

asthma and flu check using spirometer

Why Asthma Puts You at Greater Risk This Flu Season

Infections, like the flu, are a common asthma trigger

woman getting flu shot
October 1, 2020/Diabetes & Endocrinology

Why People With Diabetes Need a Flu Shot

With a weakened immune system, every protection counts

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