Tag: influenza

Woman with protective face mask huddling on floor while flu spores float around in the air.

Here’s How Dangerous the Flu Can Be

Influenza puts stress on your body and can lead to serious conditions like pneumonia or stroke

Masked person receiving vaccine shot in their shoulder

Why You Need a Flu Shot (and When To Get It)

Prevention is best against this serious illness

FLu vaccine vials with needle filled with liquid on a blue background.

What You Need To Know About Flu Strains

There are three antigenic types of influenza, but A and B are responsible for our flu season

Person taking electronic temperature of sick child in bed.
September 13, 2023/Children's Health

What’s the Difference Between RSV, the Flu and COVID-19?

It comes down to a wheeze, a fever and long-term effects


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umbrella protecting person from COVID virus
September 12, 2023/Infectious Disease

Here’s Why COVID-19 Is Still Dangerous

Like the flu and RSV, COVID-19 cases are rising seasonally

Person lying in bed with thermometer in mouth

You Think It’s the Flu — Now What Should You Do?

Resting, staying hydrated and taking over-the-counter medicine can help you recover quickly

Person sick in bed drinking hot tea for comfort.
November 14, 2022/Rheumatology & Immunology

5 Cold and Flu Remedies You’ll Want to Skip

From garlic to elderberry, here’s how not to get rid of a cold

Family members walk through falling snow to visit family over the holidays.
November 13, 2022/Primary Care

How To Celebrate Safely This Holiday Season

Wash your hands, skip the buffet and don’t wash your poultry

Person in doctor's office getting vaccinated.

Flu Shot Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction

6 excuses for not getting an annual flu shot that just don’t hold up

Doctor wearing PPE injecting a vaccine into a patient's arm.
September 28, 2022/Primary Care

Adults Should Keep Up on Vaccines, Too

From influenza and pneumococcal to hepatitis B and shingles, vaccines are key to staying healthy

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