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Primary Care

From tips on managing chronic conditions to preventative care strategies, improve your overall health with our primary care insights.

Woman standing in kitchen, holding glass of water
March 28, 2025/Mental Health

Dehydration and Mental Health: What’s the Connection?

Being short on fluid causes hormonal imbalances, brain fog, sleep issues and more

Kissing bug on a leaf
March 26, 2025/Primary Care

What Are Kissing Bugs? And What Happens if You Get Bit?

Kissing bugs are insects that can carry a dangerous parasite that causes Chagas disease

A bee on an arm, with its stinger stuck in the arm
March 20, 2025/Primary Care

How To Remove a Bee Stinger

Whether you scrape or pull out the stinger, the key is to do it quickly

Woman cupping her hand to her ear trying to hear the healthcare provider
March 7, 2025/Primary Care

Disease vs. Illness: What’s the Difference?

A disease can be diagnosed, while an illness is something you feel or experience


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Smiling patient sitting on exam table, and healthcare provider sitting on stool, smiling and talking
March 5, 2025/Primary Care

Signs vs. Symptoms: Here’s Why They’re Different

Signs are what your provider can see, but symptoms are what you feel or experience

Person bleeding from a cat scratch on arm, with cat playing on cat tree in livinng room
March 3, 2025/Infectious Disease

Should You Worry About a Cat Bite or Scratch?

The risk of infection makes fast and thorough treatment critical

Person on gurney with mask on before surgery, with food and drink on a tray x'd out
February 28, 2025/Primary Care

Eating and Drinking Before Surgery: Why It’s a No-No

Your surgeon isn’t trying to be mean — eating before surgery can raise your risk of aspirating, vomiting and more

People enjoying walking outdoors in the snow, with sun shining
February 20, 2025/Primary Care

The Health Benefits of Sunshine (and How Much You Need Per Day)

Just 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight provides vitamin D, boosts your mood and may even help you sleep better

Smiling person looking at their phone, sitting on couch
February 5, 2025/Women's Health

What Are Vaginal Detox Pearls?

These herbal pellets aren’t backed by science and can be harmful

Person with pant leg pulled up, holding their knee with both hands
February 5, 2025/Orthopaedics

Ice vs. Heat: Which Is Better for Your Pain?

Your choice depends on your reason and need for treatment

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