Just 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight provides vitamin D, boosts your mood and may even help you sleep better
Changes in kidney function and new pressure on your bladder may have you running to the restroom a lot more often
No, you can’t prevent pregnancy by douching after sex, having sex standing up or having sex only at the ‘safe’ time
Create a consistent wake-up schedule, don’t nap too long and follow the ‘20-minute toss-and-turn rule’ when you can’t sleep
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Things like stress, heated styling and other health conditions may cause you to lose more hair than normal
Dress baby in layers, gate-check your stroller and bring noise-canceling headphones
A study found that you might live longer if you can stand on one leg — but it’s far from a perfect indication of longevity
Ambiverts tend to balance traits of both introverts and extroverts — and they’re more common
Experts recommend having infants sleep in your bedroom but not in your bed
Preschoolers who wake up early or have trouble falling asleep may not need their afternoon nap