Living With Psoriasis


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Healthcare provider holding bottle of prescription medication
These Common Triggers Likely Cause Your Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Stress, infections, skin injuries and environmental factors can trigger an onset of psoriasis symptoms

Person sitting in a yoga pose with calming vegetation behind them
10 Easy Steps To Prevent and Manage Your Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Stick to your treatment plan, but keep your provider updated on any new symptoms or triggers

One hand squirting lotion from a tube into other hand
Why Does Psoriasis Itch and How To Stop It

Caused by inflammation, psoriasis itch can be managed with a variety of treatments, like moisturizing and taking cooler and shorter showers

Petroleum jelly being applied to a hand
14 Psoriasis Self-Care Strategies

Learn your triggers, stay moisturized, quit smoking, prioritize sleep — and avoid scratching

Salmon over lentils and carrots
Psoriasis and Diet: How Foods Can Impact Inflammation

A well-balanced diet with anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce flare-ups and severity of psoriasis symptoms

Closeup of a head with scalp psoriasis
Experiencing Scalp Psoriasis? Learn How To Treat and Reduce Hair Loss

Calm an itchy scalp by using medicated shampoo, avoiding blow-drying and resisting the urge to scratch

Person examining psoriasis on their arm and hands
Does Psoriasis Spread on Your Body?

The common skin condition isn’t contagious, but it can pop up anywhere on your body during a flare
