Tag: blood

Person holding up a bowl of fruit and a hamburger.
January 20, 2023/Nutrition

The Blood Type Diet: Does It Really Work?

Research shows your blood type doesn’t matter when it comes to what you eat

A person holding a blood bag that is labeled O negative blood
June 8, 2022/Wellness

What Does It Mean To Be a Universal Blood Donor?

People of any blood type can receive donations of Type O-negative blood

Illustration showing a needle injection into a person's forehead during a medical procedure
December 20, 2021/Skin Care & Beauty

Can a ‘Vampire Facial’ Make You Look Younger?

The treatment triggers collagen production by using your own blood

Blood donating during COVID-19
April 20, 2020/Infectious Disease

Is It Still Safe to Donate Blood During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Safety protocols for donation amid coronavirus


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