Tag: bug bites

child being treated for bee sting by mom
July 9, 2023/Children's Health

How To Treat Your Child’s Sting or Bite at Home

Simple solutions to handle backyard encounters with some of nature’s smallest critters

HIker spraying bug spray with DEET on legs
June 25, 2023/Skin Care & Beauty

Is DEET Bad for You?

Studies show the insect repellent is safe and effective at preventing insect-borne illness

Close-up of red bed bug bites on a person's back
June 6, 2022/Primary Care

Bed Bug Bites: What They Look Like and How To Get Rid of Them

Bed bug bites often occur on the exposed parts of your skin while you sleep

spider on skin
February 22, 2022/Rheumatology & Immunology

What To Do for a Spider Bite

Here’s when to worry about these creepy crawlers


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woman applying bug spray while on a hike
July 31, 2020/Health Conditions

Do Bug Sprays Actually Work?

And find out if they're safe or not

Saving tick in plastic bag after removal
July 4, 2019/Parenting

Grab Your Tweezers: Here’s How To Safely Remove A Tick

Pull them up gently to remove them from your skin without jerking or twisting them. Then, take them to your healthcare provider for identification

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