Tag: childhood development

Toddler drinking from a cup while at the table during dinner.
November 20, 2023/Children's Health

Toddler Drinks — What Does the Research Say About These Products?

They aren’t unhealthy, but they’re probably a waste of money

child having chest pain
June 29, 2023/Children's Health

Chest Pain in Children: When Should You Worry?

Most chest pain in kids isn’t worrisome, but there are some symptoms that deserve attention

Baby pinches cereal pieces to eat while sitting in stroller.
May 22, 2023/Children's Health

Finger to Thumb: What To Know About the Pincer Grasp

This fine motor skill marks an important milestone in your baby’s development

Mom burps gassy baby who sits on her lap.
May 21, 2023/Children's Health

Why Gripe Water Isn’t the Best Answer for Your Fussy, Gassy or Colicky Baby

Gripe water isn’t regulated by the FDA, and research doesn’t support its use


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Parent consoling child on sofa.
September 13, 2022/Children's Health

Is There a Way To Stop Growing Pains?

You can treat these short-lived symptoms with a warm bath or massage

A parent with two children standing at a tabletop doing an activity
July 6, 2022/Children's Health

Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids

Chores can instill important lessons in adulting and encourage healthy childhood development

Adult sipping coffee while holding a child
May 8, 2022/Children's Health

Does Coffee Stunt Your Growth?

This old wives’ tale is just a myth

child plays in snow with sand toys
February 9, 2022/Children's Health

Fun and Safe Winter Activities for Kids

Have a snow — ball and help them strengthen their developmental skills

reading to baby
October 26, 2020/Children's Health

The Benefits of Reading to Babies

It’s never too early or too late to start

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