Tag: hypertension

A bowl of pink sea salt
December 23, 2020/Nutrition

Do Sea Salt, Kosher Salt and Pink Salt Beat Table Salt?

Plus 5 tips for lowering your salt intake

cook adding salt to food
December 14, 2020/Nutrition

Why Do You Crave Salt?

Plus, 10 ways to combat your salt cravings

Illustration with a salt shaker, kidneys and heart
December 1, 2020/Heart Health

How Salt Can Impact Your Blood Pressure, Heart and Kidneys

Modifying your salt intake can affect your health and longevity


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physician working on iPad in office
November 4, 2020/Heart Health

Is ‘White Coat Syndrome’ Dangerous?

The short answer from a cardiologist

eyes are a window to health
July 5, 2020/Eye Care

Your Eyes: A Window to Your Health

Your eyes can reveal many clues about underlying health issues

illustration of blood pressure results
November 25, 2019/Heart Health

6 Reasons Why Your Blood Pressure Meds Aren’t Working

How specialists tackle stubborn hypertension

Doctor taking blood pressure of pregnant woman
November 4, 2019/Pregnancy & Childbirth

High Blood Pressure in Pregnant People on the Rise

Study finds more people have chronic hypertension, even before they’re pregnant

Doctor checks blood pressure of patient in his office
August 14, 2019/Heart Health

Why Chronic High Blood Pressure Is So Dangerous

Maintaining normal blood pressure should be your goal

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