Tag: irregular periods

Female awake in bed at night
April 5, 2024/Women's Health

What To Expect in Each Stage of Menopause

It’s a natural part of aging, starting with perimenopause and eventually leading into postmenopause

Female sitting in chair at home staring into the distance, phone in hand
April 3, 2024/Women's Health

Why Is My Period Lasting So Long?

From medications and stress to PCOS and STIs, there’s a wide range of reasons Aunt Flo may overstay her welcome

Female clutching abdomen
March 14, 2024/Women's Health

Period Blood Clots: Should You Be Concerned?

Although it can be alarming, it’s normal to experience blood clots during menstruation

woman checking menstrual cycle on calendar
April 19, 2023/Women's Health

8 Reasons Why Your Period Is Late

Stress, extreme diet and exercise, PCOS and, of course, pregnancy could be responsible


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Woman sitting on a couch browsing on her laptop
April 6, 2023/Women's Health

Yes, Weight Loss Can Impact Your Menstrual Cycle

If your period hasn’t come for three months, it’s best to see a doctor

Mid 40's woman sitting on back porch.
December 4, 2022/Women's Health

Do My Period Changes Mean Perimenopause?

Before menopause, there’s an amount of time when your menstrual cycles are unpredictable

Woman relaxing by a menstrual calendar.
September 21, 2022/Women's Health

Infradian Rhythms: What They Are and Why They Matter

Infradian rhythms, like the menstrual cycle, are biological cycles that impact your health

A close up of someone holding birth control pills
April 3, 2022/Women's Health

6 Safe Ways To Stop Your Period

Keeping a steady level of hormones is key in preventing a period

An illustration of a person looking at wall calendar
December 26, 2021/Women's Health

Is My Period Normal? How Menstrual Cycles Change With Age

Some changes in your period can be worrisome, and some not

woman in bed with menstrual cramps
November 28, 2021/Women's Health

How Long Should Your Period Last?

Find out what’s normal menstrual bleeding and what’s not

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