Tag: knee osteoarthritis

woman with osteoarthritis biking for exercise
October 14, 2021/Orthopaedics

The Best Exercises for Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee

Work on building strength and flexibility to keep the joints moving

elderly man experiencing knee pain at night
February 11, 2021/Orthopaedics

Why Do I Have Knee Pain at Night?

And tips for how to ease the hurt


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Older man with knee pain in doctor's office
September 2, 2019/Chronic Pain

Could Nerve Blocks or Radiofrequency Ablation Help Ease Your Knee Pain?

Non-surgical ways to help you function better

Wearing a knee brace, a man holds both his knees in discomfort or pain.
October 30, 2018/Orthopaedics

What’s the Best Way to Find Relief from Your Knee Arthritis Pain?

No one drug or therapy alone is effective — but a comprehensive approach can ease symptoms

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