Tag: panic attack

person holding hands to upper chest
January 26, 2024/Heart Health

How To Tell the Difference Between a Heart Attack and a Panic Attack

To help determine what you’re experiencing, focus on how the pain feels, the location of the pain, when it started and how long it lasts

Person stressed with hands over their face in darkened room.
September 12, 2023/Mental Health

Signs Your Anxiety Is on the Rise

Physical, mental and emotional responses are all relevant symptoms

woman listening to calming music
October 25, 2021/Mental Health

How To Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks

Take control of panic and anxiety with these calming tips

Someone holds their hands up to their face and rubs their temples, frustrated.
April 28, 2021/Mental Health

Why Am I Panicking in My Sleep?

Learn why sleep panic attacks occur and how to manage them


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