Tag: pregnancy schedule

Happy pregnant woman with hands around her belly, with belly button pushing out
March 27, 2024/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Why Your Belly Button Changes When You’re Pregnant

When a growing fetus puts pressure on your abdomen, your belly button may pop out or even flatten

Pregnant person at home packing a hospital bag in preperation for birth.

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag: A Checklist

Babies aren’t great about scheduling, so be sure to pack a month or two before your due date

Couple celebrating in kitchen with positive pregnancy test.
December 19, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Your First Prenatal Appointment: What To Expect

Expect lab tests, and bring your questions to your first pregnancy visit

Sperm headed to egg.
September 27, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

How Soon Can You Tell You’re Pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy just two weeks after ovulation


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pregnant woman at checkup in doctor's office
January 13, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Pregnant? Here’s How Often You’ll Likely See Your Doctor

Prenatal visits begin in week 4 and continue until delivery

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