Tag: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

older adult coughing
May 30, 2023/Infectious Disease

Why Is RSV Different Now Than In Past Years?

Our most at-risk populations are still highly affected by RSV

Person home sick with covid sitting on couch, with covid virus floating in air.
May 22, 2023/Infectious Disease

Does COVID-19 Put You More at Risk for RSV?

Despite some similarities, RSV and COVID-19 aren’t related in any way

mother taking child's temperature
May 18, 2023/Infectious Disease

How Contagious Is RSV?

RSV spreads easily and can infect anybody — not just children

person using an inhaler
May 14, 2023/Infectious Disease

What Are the Long-Term Effects of RSV?

People with certain pre-existing medical conditions have increased risk factors


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Person lying in bed with thermometer in mouth

You Think It’s the Flu — Now What Should You Do?

Resting, staying hydrated and taking over-the-counter medicine can help you recover quickly

Family members walk through falling snow to visit family over the holidays.
November 13, 2022/Primary Care

How To Celebrate Safely This Holiday Season

Wash your hands, skip the buffet and don’t wash your poultry

Parent reading to their sick child who is in bed.
October 31, 2022/Children's Health

How to Comfort Your Child at Home When They Have RSV

TLC = keeping them home, letting them rest, managing their fever and maintaining their hydration

Child sick in bed with caregiver
August 9, 2022/Children's Health

Why Are RSV Cases Increasing During Summer Months?

Changes to the virus cycle put more importance on taking proper precautions

Sick child lying down with thermometer
January 20, 2019/Children's Health

RSV vs. Flu vs. Pneumonia: Sorting out Your Child’s Fever and Cough

When symptoms call for a trip to the doctor

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