Tag: sleep apnea

person snoring in bed with partner
November 14, 2023/Sleep

Could You Have Sleep Apnea Without Knowing It?

Ignoring the warning signs could put you at risk for serious health issues

Elderly woman asleep with CPAP positioned over nose.

Should You Use a CPAP Machine When You’re Sick?

It’s OK to take a break while you’re sick, but using your PAP device could help you feel better

someone reaching toward alarm clock to turn off from bed
June 14, 2023/Sleep

Oversleeping: What Is It, Why Is It Happening and How Do I Make It Stop?

It’s normal to oversleep occasionally, but sometimes, there might be an underlying cause

Alarm clock at three AM
April 4, 2023/Sleep

Up at 3 a.m.? Here Are Possible Reasons Why

This common phenomenon is usually harmless, but a consistent sleep-wake schedule can help


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Child snoring during his nap while sleeping on his front.
February 7, 2023/Children's Health

Does Your Child Snore? These Could Be the Reasons Why

Six possible reasons (and solutions) for that nighttime noise

child frightened in bed with night terrors
November 13, 2022/Sleep

What Are Night Terrors? And What To Do About Them

Getting enough sleep and keeping the bedroom quiet and restful can help

Person elevating legs.
November 6, 2022/Urinary & Kidney Health

How To Stop Frequent Urination at Night

Try elevating your legs during the day and stop drinking two hours before bed

Woman sleeping in bed at night while sleep study is performed.
October 3, 2022/Sleep

What To Expect From a Sleep Study

Studies are customized for each individual, but be sure to bring your favorite pillow

Person sleeping in bed with tape on mouth to stop snoring.
September 7, 2022/Sleep

Mouth Taping: Is It Safe?

Mouth taping isn’t a recommended treatment for sleep apnea or snoring

couple in bed woman snoring
August 14, 2022/Sleep

How To Stop Snoring

Try these home remedies, like nasal sprays and propping your head, for a peaceful slumber

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