Obsessively assessing your appearance? Cognitive behavioral therapy and journaling can help you figure out why you’re doing it — and how to stop
Feeling lonely may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, depression and high blood pressure
Only some of us experience autonomous sensory meridian responses, but it’s beneficial to those who do
Posting intimate details of your child’s life on social media, like their birth date and school name, can have serious consequences
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Embrace mindfulness and practice checking your phone consciously, not compulsively
While social media content doesn’t create eating disorders, it can easily exacerbate them
Identify your triggers, set ground rules for your break and start practicing mindfulness
Too much screen time and unrealistic expectations and perceptions and can lead to an increased risk of anxiety and depression
This state of mind is all about focusing on what you love and enjoy (minus the FOMO)
Your physical, mental and emotional state may be at risk