Tag: coconut oil

Person with hand over mouth, coughing, with hand on their chest.

Can Essential Oils Treat a Cough?

A couple essential oils may be used with caution, but there are safer and more effective options

Applying coconut oil to feet to moisturize.
December 28, 2022/Skin Care & Beauty

Should You Use Coconut Oil on Your Skin?

Yes, you can use coconut oil on your body, but not necessarily all over

no-bake chocolate peanut butter cookies
August 17, 2022/Nutrition

Recipe: No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

Low in carbs, high in flavor

coconut oil and coconuts
March 21, 2022/Diet, Food & Fitness

Is Coconut Oil Healthy?

Coconut oil is a high-fat, high-calorie product that raises some heart health concerns


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olive oil vs coconut oil
December 27, 2020/Nutrition

Olive Oil vs. Coconut Oil: Which Is Heart-Healthier?

Learn the differences between these two popular cooking oils

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