Tag: hemorrhoids

A person holds up a bidet in their left hand and a roll of toilet paper in their right hand.
March 19, 2023/Wellness

Power Wash: Why Using a Bidet Is Sanitary and Safe

The benefits of a bidet may convince you to say goodbye to toilet paper

Woman with her face behind book.
February 26, 2023/Women's Health

8 Possible Reasons Why Your Vagina Itches

Yes, it could be a yeast infection, but there are also several other causes for an itch down there

Illustration of toilet paper and blood drop
October 11, 2022/Digestive

What To Do if You Have Rectal Bleeding (With or Without Pain)

Some symptoms you can treat at home, but others require a visit to the doctor

A cactus growing out of a toilet
March 31, 2022/Digestive

5 Simple Ways To Prevent Hemorrhoids

Avoid making your symptoms worse with these tips


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Aloe vera liquid being poured out of a plant onto a wooden board
November 16, 2021/Digestive

5 Best and Worst Home Remedies for Your Hemorrhoids

A doctor weighs in on what can work at home and what can’t

Spray bottle in bathroom to help with hygiene
November 13, 2019/Digestive

Itchy Bottom? Don’t Blame Hemorrhoids

You may be causing the problem yourself

Hand in bathroom grabbing last of toilet paper
October 6, 2019/Digestive

Are You Pooping All Wrong?

5 tips to keep your bowels healthy

feet in a bath
June 6, 2019/Digestive

How You Can Deal With Anal Fissures

Advice for prevention and treatment

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