Tag: psychology

Silhouette of person turned away from group of people talking
January 23, 2024/Mental Health

How the Grey Rock Method Can Protect You From Abusive People and Toxic Interactions

Like a boring ol’ grey rock, the goal is to be unresponsive and uninteresting to dissuade a harmful situation

person looking at reflection in hand-held mirror
January 22, 2024/Mental Health

9 Signs You’re Dealing With a ‘Narcissist’ (and Why That’s the Wrong Word to Use)

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition, not an insult

Person with shadow in background talking with doctor questioning shadow self.
July 31, 2023/Mental Health

Tap Into Your Dark Side With Shadow Work

Recognizing your shadow self is about becoming a whole person

person standing in front of mirror seeing smaller version of self
July 13, 2023/Mental Health

Intrusive Thoughts Are All in Your Head

When unwanted and alarming thoughts, images or urges take hold, you can lessen their grip


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Movie star surrounded by fans taking pictures with their phones.
July 4, 2023/Sex & Relationships

Friend or Faux: Are Parasocial Relationships Healthy?

Whether parasocial relationships are rewarding or dangerous depends on your mental health

person stuck choosing between a red and blue button
June 27, 2023/Mental Health

6 Ways To Push Through Analysis Paralysis

Don’t let the fear of making the ‘wrong’ decision stop you from moving forward

Person on swing moving between happy and sad backgrounds.
February 21, 2023/Mental Health

Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II: Breaking Down the Differences

Both include bouts of depression, but differ in their extremes

Person sad and overthinking what they don't have while sitting on orange stool.
November 29, 2022/Mental Health

Scarcity Mindset: Causes and How To Overcome It

Fixating on thinking you never have enough can become harmful

Someone experiencing second-hand embarrassment.
November 20, 2022/Mental Health

What Is Second-Hand Embarrassment and How Can You Stop It?

Feeling another person’s embarrassment is normal, but you can process it healthily

Person deciding on the outlook they will have for the day: happy, neutral or sad.
November 1, 2022/Brain & Nervous System

The Truth Behind a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

When your predictions bring about their own reality because of specific actions you take

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