Cold, Flu & Respiratory Illnesses

FLu vaccine vials with needle filled with liquid on a blue background.

What You Need To Know About Flu Strains

There are three antigenic types of influenza, but A and B are responsible for our flu season

Person with hand over mouth, coughing, with hand on their chest.

Can Essential Oils Treat a Cough?

A couple essential oils may be used with caution, but there are safer and more effective options

Elderly woman asleep with CPAP positioned over nose.

Should You Use a CPAP Machine When You’re Sick?

It’s OK to take a break while you’re sick, but using your PAP device could help you feel better

person getting a sinus massage between brows

5 Sinus Massage Techniques To Relieve Pressure and Promote Drainage

A gentle touch in all the right places may help drain your sinuses


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Child with fever has wet washcloth on forehead.

Never Use Rubbing Alcohol To Bring Down a Fever

It can cause alcohol poisoning and other serious health issues, especially in kids

woman using nuti pot

Neti Pots Explained: How the Device Helps Clear Your Nasal Passages

Using a saline solution, they help relieve sinus pressure and remove excessive mucus

Person coughing in bed.

9 Ways To Stop Coughing at Night

Taking a warm shower before bed and drinking warm liquids throughout the day can help

Someone cooking chicken noodle soup.

Fact or Fiction: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

The advice dates to 1574, but it doesn’t quite meet modern medical guidelines

Person holding throat that's sore.

Do You Have Just a Sore Throat or Is It Strep?

A quick and easy test in the doctor’s office can tell you for certain

A piece of salmon sits on a cutting board surrounded by avocados, olive oil and various nuts.

11 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

Options like fatty fish, citrus fruits and almonds can help keep you well and heal you faster

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