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Tag: cognitive behavioral therapy

Person looking in hand mirror, surrounded by diet, fitness and social media itemss
November 11, 2024/Mental Health

What Body Checking Is and How To Stop

Obsessively assessing your appearance? Cognitive behavioral therapy and journaling can help you figure out why you’re doing it — and how to stop

Person jumping, releasing umbrella, with healthcare provider displaying acronym for cognitive behavioral therapy sign
September 16, 2024/Mental Health

How To Heal Your Inner Child

Identify your emotional triggers, come to terms with your regrets and allow yourself to be a kid again

Person with backpack on holding hand of young child with teddy bear, walking
September 16, 2024/Mental Health

Meet Your Inner Child

Your inner child is a representation of your childhood experiences and the ways they can still affect you on a day-to-day basis

Male standing on beach with hands behind his head, staring into distance and exhaling
July 22, 2024/Mental Health

Mental Health in Athletes: Breaking the Stigma

A more open conversation on athletes and their mental health needs is overdue


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female awake in bed staring ahead with male next to her asleep
January 19, 2024/Sleep

3 Steps for Managing Sleep Maintenance Insomnia

Keeping a sleep diary and seeing a sleep specialist can help you stay asleep and get the ZZZs you need

Person huddled on floor with arms around knees with thought bubbles above head
January 4, 2024/Mental Health

Anxiety vs. Depression: Which Do I Have (or Is It Both)?

Although different conditons, they can occur together or cause one another

person standing in front of the other
April 17, 2023/Mental Health

How To Deal With Regrets

Wishing you made a different decision can help you learn from your mistakes

Cubes of ice.
March 20, 2023/Oral Health

Why Chewing Ice Is Bad for Your Teeth

You can do damage to fillings, crowns and even your teeth themselves

Person stepping through a tranquil window.
January 5, 2023/Mental Health

Everything You Need To Know Before Starting Therapy

Research types, find a therapist who fits you and remember — therapy isn’t a sign of weakness

Taylor Swift's Midnights vinyl next to a candle.
December 1, 2022/Mental Health

What Is Covert Narcissism?

Subtler than narcissism, but a little more difficult to manage

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