Obsessively assessing your appearance? Cognitive behavioral therapy and journaling can help you figure out why you’re doing it — and how to stop
Identify your emotional triggers, come to terms with your regrets and allow yourself to be a kid again
Your inner child is a representation of your childhood experiences and the ways they can still affect you on a day-to-day basis
A more open conversation on athletes and their mental health needs is overdue
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Keeping a sleep diary and seeing a sleep specialist can help you stay asleep and get the ZZZs you need
Although different conditons, they can occur together or cause one another
Wishing you made a different decision can help you learn from your mistakes
You can do damage to fillings, crowns and even your teeth themselves
Research types, find a therapist who fits you and remember — therapy isn’t a sign of weakness
Subtler than narcissism, but a little more difficult to manage