Tag: eating disorders

Healthcare provider talking with patient with overweight in office
May 17, 2024/Weight Loss

The HCG Diet Is Ineffective and Unsafe

The U.S. FDA prohibits HCG use without a prescription — and the hormone isn’t approved for weight loss at all

Person reflecting on food and exercise
May 9, 2024/Mental Health

The Importance of Understanding Your Eating Habits

Learning about your relationship with food can help improve your eating behaviors and patterns

Person eating tiny amount of bland food, daydreaming about larger portion of better food, amidst silhouette of crowd eating
April 19, 2024/Mental Health

The Intersection of Obesity and Eating Disorders

Having overweight and disordered eating is a high-risk combination that often gets dismissed or overlooked

Oversized smartphone with social media comments, with two people feeling dejected
March 29, 2024/Mental Health

What Is Thinspo and Why Is It Dangerous?

While social media content doesn’t create eating disorders, it can easily exacerbate them


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Sad teenager holding smartphone with various chat bubbles in background
January 29, 2024/Children's Health

How To Help Your Child Develop a Healthy Body Image

Foster communication about social media, encourage whole-person attributes and be mindful of your own negative self-talk

Person eating a frosted pink donut.
November 9, 2023/Nutrition

Cheat Days: The Great Debate

These breaks may have some benefits — but they promote an unhealthy attitude toward food

Woman sitting on a couch browsing on her laptop
April 6, 2023/Women's Health

Yes, Weight Loss Can Impact Your Menstrual Cycle

If your period hasn’t come for three months, it’s best to see a doctor

Person eating huge burger until too full, with gas bubbles in background.
March 12, 2023/Digestive

How To Tell When You’re Full (Before You Feel Stuffed)

Large portions, restrictive diets, emotions and social cues can all play a role in overeating

Person stress eating potato chips while working on computer.
January 25, 2023/Nutrition

Why You Stress Eat and How To Stop

You can learn other ways to soothe yourself, including distraction and mindfulness

Person looking at table of food.
September 18, 2022/Nutrition

Orthorexia: When a Commitment To Eating Healthy Goes Too Far

Too-strict ‘food rules’ can have negative consequences

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