Tag: flexibility

male in a yoga pose in living room
January 1, 2024/Exercise & Fitness

Yoga vs. Pilates: The Differences Between Two Great Exercises

Both practices are worth exploring and offer amazing health benefits

2 people practicing thai massage
May 17, 2023/Wellness

Thai Massage: What It Is and 5 Benefits

Focused on stretching and yoga poses, it can increase flexibility and ease back pain

woman performing pilates
March 9, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

Pilates 101: What It Is and Health Benefits

Pilates can improve muscle tone, flexibility and strength, as well as help you heal from injuries

Two people helping each other stretch on floor.
February 26, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

Why You Should Try Assisted Stretching

Having a partner help you stretch can prevent injury and lead to an increased range of motion


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Person stretching triceps.
February 20, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

Active Stretching: What It Is and How To Do It

Simply contracting certain muscles provides a good stretch to other areas of your body

woman on stomach with arms behind her being held by partner to assist her in passive stretching of arms and back.
January 22, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

What Is Passive Stretching?

Relax into this form of stretching while a prop or partner assists you

Person doing yoga stretches.
September 25, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

Try These Yoga Poses To Improve Your Flexibility

Regular yoga practice can improve your flexibility and increase — or regain — your range of motion

Half Pigeon Pose in yoga.
July 13, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

10 Yoga Poses To Stretch Your Hip Muscles

Strengthen your hip muscles with yoga

Different yoga styles
June 1, 2022/Wellness

7 Different Kinds of Yoga and How To Find the Right Practice

Select a yoga class that focuses on your breath and promotes kindness toward yourself

woman performing the windmill exercise
May 5, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

The Windmill Exercise: What It Is and How To Perform It

It might seem simple, but this full-body exercise offers a lot of benefits

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