Tag: heart palpitations

Older male in doctor's office with doctor holding tablet showing heart statistics
January 31, 2024/Heart Health

Extra Heartbeats: Should You Be Worried?

They’re rarely cause for concern, but you should still talk to a healthcare provider about your symptoms

Physician checks the heartbeat of patient.
October 9, 2023/Heart Health

When Your Heart Skips a Beat: What’s Happening and Should You Worry?

A skipped heartbeat is usually your heart returning to its normal electrical path

Covid virus in background with stethescope checking heart and EEG strip in back of heart.
March 27, 2023/Heart Health

Can COVID-19 Cause Heart Palpitations?

It’s hard to pin down why they’re happening, but palpitations alone are rarely cause for concern

Two people exercising in part with heart rate monitor watch in foreground.
March 16, 2023/Heart Health

Low Heart Rate: What It Is and When to Worry

Bradycardia, or a low heart rate, is more likely as you age — and could be a sign of health issues


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Older person experiencing heart palpitations, with hands on thier chest.
December 20, 2022/Heart Health

How Supplements Affect Heart Palpitations

Don’t self-medicate with vitamin supplements without consulting a doctor first

Person deep breathing to calm heart palpitations.
December 9, 2022/Heart Health

How To Stop Your Heart Palpitations at Home

When your heart races, pounds or flutters, don’t panic, and try these calming methods

Person with heart flutter with foods rich in magnesium in the background.
December 5, 2022/Heart Health

Why Magnesium May Help Your Heart Palpitations

Too little magnesium can make your heartbeat go off beat

Two hands cupping a warm mug of espresson with cream containing a heart shape on a blue background.
November 3, 2022/Heart Health

5 Common Causes of Heart Palpitations

When your heart skips a beat, it could signal a problem ... or just be too much coffee

man after exercising with heart pain
July 21, 2021/Heart Health

Heart Racing? How Anxiety Causes Heart Palpitations

Learn why anxiety can leave your heart pounding and what you can do about it

elderly man practicing yoga to destress
March 11, 2021/Heart Health

How to Prevent Heart Palpitations

6 ways to avoid heart flutters or calm a racing heart

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