Tag: humidifiers

Person coughing in bed.

9 Ways To Stop Coughing at Night

Taking a warm shower before bed and drinking warm liquids throughout the day can help

Person reclining on couch using nasel spray to alleviate pressure in sinuses.
January 11, 2023/Ear, Nose & Throat

Relieve Sinus Congestion and Pressure at Home

From nasal sprays to neti pots, these home remedies can help relieve your symptoms

A working humidifier in a room

Home Remedies for the Common Cold

You can’t cure it, but you can manage the symptoms

How You Can Best Combat the Effects of Dry Winter Air
February 16, 2019/Lung

How Dry Winter Air Can Cause Respiratory Problems— From Bronchitis to Nosebleeds

Tips for protecting yourself from common illnesses


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