Tag: migraine headaches

Close up of person pouring a cup of coffee
February 23, 2024/Brain & Nervous System

Does Caffeine Help Headaches?

It’s all about the amount — try to stick to 100 to 150 milligrams a day to reduce and prevent a pounding, throbbing head

female on couch reading a nasal spray bottle label
February 20, 2024/Brain & Nervous System

What To Know About Nasal Spray for Migraines

Among the options is a fast-acting medication that offers relief in as little as 15 minutes

Person with chronic migrain holding head while sitting on couch.
August 30, 2023/Brain & Nervous System

When Nothing Helps Your Chronic Migraines

Start by reevaluating your triggers and lifestyle factors, but also consider trying new medication

Pregnant woman with headache sitting on couch

Headaches During Pregnancy: What To Know

They usually subside after the first trimester, but stay hydrated and rested, too


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Top view of a person holding acoffee cup over a table at breakfast.

Does Caffeine Help Migraines?

A little can help, too much can hurt

Person with migraine headache sleeping under blanket.

11 Migraine Remedies To Help Tackle Symptoms

Getting enough sleep, avoiding dietary triggers and reducing stress can provide relief

Person lying on couch holding head in darkened room.

Are Migraines Hereditary?

Your genes may offer some insight when learning about your migraine symptoms

person sitting with migraine pains and visible aura

How Long Do Migraines Last?

Migraine length depends on your triggers, health history and whether they are chronic

A closeup of a hospital emergency sign.

When Should I Go to the ER for a Migraine?

If you’re experiencing the worst headache of your life, it may be time for a trip to the hospital

Person rubs temples of head while having a painful headache.

Heads Up: What Your Headache Location Means

Behind your eye, on one side of your face or as a band around your head — headaches are no fun

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