Tag: pandemic

crowd of people at music concert
February 5, 2024/Infectious Disease

What Constitutes a ‘Superspreader Event’?

Any large social gathering — from a family birthday party to an indoor music concert — has the potential to spread serious infection

children on playground running and playing tag.
October 12, 2023/Infectious Disease

What We Learn From ‘Getting Cooties’ as Kids

Cooties aren’t real, but the lessons they teach us about infectious disease are

Covid mask hangs on arm of school desk, ready to be used.
May 24, 2023/Infectious Disease

No, the COVID-19 Pandemic Isn’t Over

Ending the U.S. public health emergency declaration doesn’t mean COVID-19 is gone

Drawing of woman sitting on yoga mat meditating
February 20, 2022/Mental Health

Managing Your Mental Health in the Third Year of the Pandemic

Learning to cope as COVID-19 continues to linger


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Close-up of woman wearing a surgical mask
December 27, 2021/Infectious Disease

Why You Still Need to Take COVID-19 Seriously

Cases of infections are skyrocketing across the U.S.

woman getting vaccinated while wearing a mask
October 4, 2021/Infectious Disease

Already Vaccinated? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Stop Wearing Your Face Mask Yet

5 reasons to continue wearing a mask, even after you’re vaccinated

A group of eight kids dressed in different costumes and wearing medical facial masks
September 23, 2021/Infectious Disease

COVID-19: How to Safely Enjoy Fall Activities

Best practices when out and about this autumn

lab testing covid samples
September 14, 2021/Infectious Disease

Understanding the Different Types of COVID-19 Tests

Do you know the difference between a molecular test and antigen test for COVID-19?

woman sleeping and dreaming of covid virus
August 31, 2021/Sleep

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Impact Your Sleep

Here's how to get some rest in the face of pandemic-caused insomnia

pregnant woman getting the covid vaccine
August 17, 2021/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Is It Safe To Get the COVID-19 Vaccine If You’re Pregnant?

What pregnant and breastfeeding people need to know

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