Tag: rheumatoid arthritis

Healthcare provider listening to a patient's heart with stethoscope in exam room

Is Joint Pain Linked to Heart Disease?

Research shows a strong association between rheumatoid arthritis and heart issues

Adult male hunched over blowing his nose into a tissue

Is Your Immune System Working Overtime?

An overactive immune system can be just as serious as one that stops working

Person washing vegetables in kitchen sink during food preperation.
November 29, 2022/Diet, Food & Fitness

What’s the Best Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Say yes to whole foods, lots of fruits and vegetables, and anti-inflammatory antioxidants

Pregnant woman with rheumatoid arthritis sitting up on bed.
September 20, 2022/Rheumatology & Immunology

Having a Healthy Pregnancy When You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

Having well-controlled RA at the time of conception is the key to keeping it under control while you’re pregnant


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Woman in workout clothes does a lunge stretch in her living room as her cat looks on

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Diet and exercise are your best first steps

blood test for anemia

Are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Anemia Connected?

It’s not uncommon for individuals with RA to also have the blood disorder

A man holding a pilil and glass of water

How To Cope With Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

The autoimmune disease can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication

salmon dish high in omega 3
January 10, 2022/Rheumatology & Immunology

Do Omega-3s Help Arthritis?

Why these fatty acids should become a part of your diet

close-up of hand with Psoriatic Arthritis
December 12, 2021/Rheumatology & Immunology

Psoriatic Arthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis

What’s the difference between these types of inflammatory arthritis?

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