Tag: self-talk tips

adult male managing a daily planner
January 12, 2024/Mental Health

6 Time Management Tips for People Living With ADHD

Using time management tools, adopting new approaches and allowing for a little grace can help meet deadlines and finish tasks

person writing a New Year's resolution goal list
November 30, 2023/Mental Health

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Pick specific, measurable goals, but also be open to changing them if need be

person sitting down and hugging a large heart in their lap
July 25, 2023/Mental Health

4 Techniques for Practicing Self-Compassion

Silence your inner critic by treating yourself with kindness, understanding and empathy

woman sitting in a chair
February 16, 2023/Mental Health

What Is Self-Hypnosis and How Do I Do It?

Use the power of suggestion to change your thoughts, emotions and behaviors


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Person taking break on exercise bike to drink water, while at the gym.
December 26, 2022/Diet, Food & Fitness

Tips to Reset After a Food Binge

Get moving, avoid the scale and be kind to yourself — plus, learn your triggers

woman washing windows
April 7, 2022/Mental Health

How Spring Cleaning Is Good for Your Health

Go ahead, clear out that clutter — it’s good for you!

An illustration showing how a person feels in private and then how they act in front of others
April 3, 2022/Mental Health

Impostor Syndrome: What It Is and How To Overcome It

Tips for getting out of your own way and taking ownership of your success

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