Tag: swimming safety

Kids playing in ocean/sea waves
March 29, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Everything You Need To Know About Sea Lice and Seabather’s Eruption

Sea lice aren’t really lice, but these tiny creatures can trigger an unpleasant allergic reaction

Family enjoying the hot tub on their back porch wit younger boy splashing the water.
December 13, 2022/Wellness

Are Hot Tubs Bad for You? Here’s How To Soak Safely

Hot tubs aren’t safe if you’re pregnant, prone to seizures or have heart conditions

3 people in a hot tub.
December 5, 2022/Wellness

Benefits of Hot Tubs

A hot soak can relieve pain, improve sleep and more

Jellyfish sting on back of leg
July 11, 2022/Primary Care

Should You Pee on a Jellyfish Sting?

This beach myth can actually make a sting hurt worse


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A child wearing a life jacket balances on a paddle-board with the help of a swimming instructor.
June 19, 2022/Children's Health

Swim Safety: How To Keep Your Kids Safe From Drowning

Make sure swimming time is safe and fun

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