Tag: trying to conceive

PCOS and weight
September 12, 2023/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Lifestyle changes, like a healthy diet and exercise, can help with fertility issues

Parents holding baby

Can You Choose the Sex of Your Baby?

There’s only one proven way to stack the deck in favor of a boy or a girl

Closeup of person in bathroom checking pregnancy test.

Can Endometriosis Affect Fertility?

Yes, but pregnancy is still possible

Person lying on exam table gets accupuncture from doctor to help in conception.
February 20, 2023/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Acupuncture for Fertility: Can It Help You Get Pregnant?

It’s great for stress relief, which can go a long way when you’re trying to conceive


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Hand holding a positive reading pregnancy test.
January 26, 2023/Women's Health

How Long It Takes To Get Pregnant and How You Can Up Your Odds

While 80% of people will get pregnant within six months, age and other factors make a difference

Woman in grey sweater eating a healthy salad filled with greens, beans, tomatoes and an avocado.
January 21, 2023/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Foods for Fertility: Fact or Fiction?

Specific foods won’t really affect fertility, but a healthy weight and nutritious diet are helpful

Woman holding a pregnancy test.
January 16, 2023/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Can Birth Control Cause Infertility?

No, most hormonal birth control doesn’t affect your future fertility

Loving couple ready to have a baby hugging outdoors.
October 17, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

Does Having Excess Weight Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant?

How a BMI in the overweight or obesity range affects ovulation and how to increase fertility

A healthcare provider injects sperm into a fully mature egg as part of in-vitro fertilization.
January 30, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

What’s the Difference Between IVF and IUI?

Here’s a helpful starting point as your infertility journey begins

Healthcare worker taking notes while talking to a woman in an exam room
January 20, 2022/Pregnancy & Childbirth

What’s the Best Age To Get Pregnant?

A fertility specialist addresses your age-related concerns

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