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Tag: yoga

Person doing yoga stretche on mat in living room
September 26, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

Try These Yoga Poses To Improve Your Flexibility

Regular yoga practice can improve your flexibility and increase — or regain — your range of motion

Person cleaning thier yoga mat with spray disinfectant and cloth.
September 7, 2022/Wellness

How (And How Often) To Clean Your Yoga Mat

Soap and water will do the trick, but only consider disinfecting if you share a mat

Half Pigeon Pose in yoga
July 14, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

10 Yoga Poses To Stretch Your Hip Muscles

Strengthen your hip muscles with yoga

Herbs, tinctures and other bottles sit next to a small statue on a cloth-covered table.
June 10, 2022/Wellness

What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work?

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old medical system


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Different yoga styles
June 2, 2022/Wellness

7 Different Kinds of Yoga and How To Find the Right Practice

Select a yoga class that focuses on your breath and promotes kindness toward yourself

A person sits cross legged on a yoga mat
April 15, 2022/Wellness

How Yoga Can Help Heal Trauma

The healing benefits of trauma-informed practices

A person doing a squatting yoga pose on a mat in their home.
March 16, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

Yoga Poses for Beginners: Why Yoga Modifications Are Important

Find out how they can help at any level

A person in the woods raising their hands in a meditation practice
March 2, 2022/Wellness

What Is Meditation?

Find out how to meditate properly

A yoga block and yoga strap laying on the floor.
January 7, 2022/Exercise & Fitness

Essential Yoga Props To Make Your Sessions Better

A yoga specialist explains why they’re not a sign of weakness or inexperience

woman practicing yoga before bed
December 6, 2021/Sleep

Bedtime Yoga for Better Sleep

Try this routine to unwind and release the stress of the day

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