Tag: sodium

A wooden spoonful of salt on a granite tabletop with salt scattered around
February 28, 2024/Nutrition

Why Too Much Salt Can Be Bad for You

Excess salt and sodium consumption is a worldwide health concern

salmon, dairy, salt, citrus, honey and asparagus
September 21, 2023/Nutrition

Rebalance, Replenish: 4 Sources of Electrolytes

Sports drinks and electrolyte-infused waters aren’t the only game in town

person drinking an electrolyte sports drink outdoors
June 29, 2023/Exercise & Fitness

Is Salt an Electrolyte?

Two key electrolytes — sodium and chloride — are the building blocks of salt

Person enjoying taco in a bowl at a street fair while talking on phone.
February 9, 2023/Nutrition

Making Healthier Fast Food Choices

Opt for lean, grilled meats, keep the portion size small and skip the soda


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Big open jar of pickles
September 27, 2022/Nutrition

Are Pickles Good for You?

Pickles are low in fat and calories and rich in some vitamins and minerals, but they’re usually high in sodium

watch your salt intake
February 10, 2022/Nutrition

How To Lower Your Salt Intake

Too much salt in your diet? Here’s how to cut back

man shopping for greens at store
January 24, 2022/Nutrition

Which Is Healthier? Picking a Winner in 7 ‘Food Fights’

Tips for choosing food that’s best for your body

A mug of black tea.
November 2, 2021/Nutrition

Natural Diuretics to Reduce Water Retention

Here's what to eat, drink and do to get rid of excess water in your body

woman eating ice cream
March 21, 2021/Nutrition

Feel Bloated? 5 Odd Reasons for Your Stomach Pain

Find out why some foods seem to expand your waistline

turkey bacon with breakfast eggs
January 19, 2021/Nutrition

Turkey Bacon: How Healthy Is It Really?

As with traditional pork bacon, eat it sparingly

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