Tag: allergy medications

person giving a self-injection to abdomen
September 19, 2023/Primary Care

How To Give Yourself a Subcutaneous Injection

Collect your supplies, wash your hands, prep the site ... and take a deep breath

While sitting on floor, parent wipes toddler's nose with tissue.
August 1, 2023/Allergies

Does Your Kid Have Seasonal Allergies? How To Tell and How To Help

Sneezing, coughing and clear mucus shouldn’t be ignored

nasal spray
May 15, 2023/Allergies

This Is Why Your Nasal Spray Stopped Working (and What To Do About It)

‘Rebound congestion’ happens when your body starts to rely on decongestant nasal spray

Illustration pof of person blowing nose in front of background of various plants and weeds
March 14, 2023/Allergies

How To Tame Your Spring Allergies

Reduce the impact of seasonal sniffles by starting your medications ahead of time


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woman pregnant with allergies

Seasonal Allergy Medicine You Can Take When You’re Pregnant

Most antihistamines are OK, but avoid decongestants for at least the first trimester

cat sitting on couch cushions
December 19, 2022/Allergies

How To Reduce Pet Dander To Help With Allergies

Vacuum (a lot), wipe pets down (often) and (always) keep them out of your bed!

An illustration of a person's head being examined by a doctor and another person carrying nasal spray
July 5, 2022/Allergies

Nasal Spray for Allergies: What to Know and How to Choose

They’re the best way to manage your seasonal allergies

woman considering allergy medications
June 13, 2022/Allergies

Which Allergy Medicine Works Best?

An allergist explains your over-the-counter options and combos

taking vitamins and supplements
September 15, 2021/Primary Care

Why Your Doctor Needs to Know What Vitamins and Supplements You Take

Be sure to tell your doc about over-the-counter pills and powders

child with classroom allergies
September 2, 2020/Allergies

Your Child’s Classroom May Have More Allergy and Asthma Triggers Than Home

Allergens can affect schoolwork and athletic performance

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