Tag: antioxidant

Variety of foods that contain the antioxidant lutein
April 4, 2024/Nutrition

What Is Lutein? Learn About Its Health Benefits

This powerful carotenoid can help with your eye and skin health, LDL reduction and cognitive function

Assorted fruits and vegetables in variety of colors
March 27, 2024/Nutrition

What Is Zeaxanthin? Benefits and Side Effects

Found in colorful foods like spinach, corn and oranges, this carotenoid helps with eye, skin and liver health

cinnamon thyme chicken breasts
December 21, 2023/Recipes

Herb-Friendly Recipe: Baked Cinnamon-Thyme Chicken

This entrée packs plenty of flavor — and plenty of health benefits

holy basil leaves, known as tulsi, on wooden spoon
November 29, 2023/Nutrition

The Benefits of Holy Basil (Tulsi)

This herb offers different potential benefits from the basil you find in pesto


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Person eating kale salad with chickpeas, natural source of manganese.
August 27, 2023/Nutrition

5 Health Benefits of Manganese

This mineral improves brain function, lowers inflammation and is vital for strong bones

Salmon, liver, avocado, olive oil, asparagus
January 29, 2023/Nutrition

How Zinc Benefits Your Body — and How Much Zinc You Need

Zinc from meats, nuts and fortified foods helps your immune system, among other benefits

A close up of blueberries in a bowl
May 26, 2022/Nutrition

The Health Benefits of Blueberries

Tiny but mighty, blueberries are rich in health benefits

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